We’re Better Together

NH’s “Building Capacity for Transformation” Waiver

On January 5, 2015, New Hampshire received approval from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for the Building Capacity for Transformation Waiver, a Medicaid Section 1115(a) demonstration waiver also referred to as DSRIP (Delivery System Reform Incentive Program). Under the special terms and conditions (STCs) of the demonstration, New Hampshire has access to up to $150 million in Medicaid funds over five years to expand community-based mental health, combat the opioid crisis, and drive delivery system reform for Medicaid beneficiaries.

The funds will be used to support Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs) — networks of medical, behavioral health, substance use disorder (SUD) and social service providers – in undertaking projects aimed at furthering the objectives of the waiver and meeting performance metrics in seven service regions across New Hampshire. The projects all focus on building greater behavioral health capacity by:

May 2016, the Partnership for Public Health (PPH) was awarded a contract to serve as the Administrative Lead of the DSRIP waiver in the Central and Winnipesaukee Region

Project Focus

  • Delivering integrated physical and behavioral health care that better addresses the full range of individuals’ needs. NH is the first state whose 1115 waiver has a behavioral health (mental health/SUD) focus.
  • Expanding capacity to address emerging and ongoing behavioral health needs in the appropriate setting.
  • Reducing gaps in care during transitions across care settings by improving coordination across providers and linking patients with community supports.
  • Moving 50% of Medicaid reimbursement to Alternative Payment Models by the end of the 5-year demonstration period (12/31/20).

In May 2016, the Partnership for Public Health (PPH) was awarded a contract to serve as the Administrative Lead of the DSRIP waiver in the Central and Winnipesaukee Region.  Our region then formed a separate limited liability company named Community Health Services Network, LLC (CHSN) and hired Executive Director, Audrey Goudie, to oversee the waiver activities.  CHSN has a robust and varied network of 31 partner agencies.

The overall intent of the DSRIP waiver is to reduce the cost of Medicaid and ultimately identify alternative payment models at the end of the 5-year waiver. NH’s DSRIP waiver is focused on integrating behavioral health and primary care with a specific focus on the Medicaid population. The success of our work will be measured by the NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) based on process outcome measures. IDNs must report progress towards integration and capture data showing whether metrics are met. Meeting continued goals and metrics is critical in order for an IDN to receive incentive payments over the course of the waiver period.

Each of the seven regions across NH were required to participate in six projects. Two were mandated statewide projects (A1, A2), one a core competency project (B1), and three were chosen by the IDN from a menu provided based on regional needs assessments performed. CHSN-IDN 5’s projects are listed here:


  • A1- Prevention Strategies Workforce Capacity Development
  • A2- Health Information Technology (HIT) Infrastructure to Support Integration


  • B1- Integrated Healthcare


  • C2- Community Re-Entry for Justice Involved Adults & Youth with SUD or Significant Prevention Strategies Issues
  • D3- Expansion in Intensive SUD Treatment Options, Including Partial-Hospital and Residential Care
  • E5- Enhanced Care Coordination for High-Need Populations

IDN Region 5:  Winnipesaukee and Central Public Health Network Regions

(Serving the following towns within Belknap, Northern Merrimack and Southern Grafton Counties)

Alexandria Danbury Laconia Thornton
Alton Ellsworth Lincoln Tilton
Ashland Frankl in Livermore Warren
Barnstead Gilford Meredith Waterville  Valley
Belmont Gilmanton New Hampton Wentworth
Bridgewater Groton Northfield Woodstock
Bristol Hebron Plymouth  
Campton Hill Rumney  
Center Harbor Holderness Sanbornton  
Click to enlarge map

ABOUT US:  CHSN Board Members, Affiliate Partners and Staff

Maggie Pritchard, Chair

Lakes Region Mental Health Center
40 Beacon St. E., Laconia NH 03246
E-mail: mpritchard@genesisbh.org

Jacqui Abikoff, Vice Chair                                        

Horizons Counseling Center
25 Country Club Rd., Suite 705 Gilford NH 03249
Email:  jabikoff@gmail.com

Rebecca Bryant, Treasurer
Lakes Region Community Services                                         
PO Box 509, Laconia NH 03247
E-mail: rebecca.bryant@lrcs.org

Lisa Dupuis, Secretary
Central NH VNA & Hospice
780 N. Main St., Laconia NH 03246
E-mail: ldupuis@centralvna.org

Bob MacLeod
Mid-State Health Center                                             
101 Boulder Pt. Dr., Suite 1, Plymouth NH 03264
E-mail: rmacleod@midstatehealth.org

Tammy Carmichael          
Partnership for Public Health
67 Water St., Suite 105, Laconia, NH 03246          
E-mail: tcarmichael@PPHNH.ORG

Kevin Donovan                                             
80 Highland St., Laconia NH 03246                           
E-mail : kdonovan@lrgh.org

Russ Keene

HealthFirst Family Care Center
841 Central St., Franklin NH 03235
22 Strafford St., Laconia NH 03246
E-mail: rkeene@healthfirstfamily.org

Chandra Engelbert
Pemi-Baker Community Health
101 Boulder Pt. Dr., Suite 3, Plymouth NH 03264
E-mail: cengelbert@pbhha.org

Debra Peaslee
Lakes Region Visiting Nurse Association
186 Waukewan St. Meredith, NH 03253
E-mail: dpeaslee@lrvna.org

Jeanne Agri
CAP Belknap-Merrimack Counties
E-mail: jagri@bm-cap.org

Michelle McEwen                                                                                                        
Speare Memorial Hospital
16 Hospital Rd., Plymouth NH 03264
E-mail: mmcewen@spearehospital.com

Deb Naro                                            
Communities for Alcohol-and Drug-free Youth (CADY)
94 Highland St., Plymouth NH 03264
Email:  dnaro@cadyinc.org

Tabitha Dowd
Franklin VNA & Hospice
75 Chestnut St., Franklin NH 03235
E-mail: tdown@franklinvna.org

Jennifer Rosene
Newfound Area Nursing Association (NANA)
214 Lake St., Bristol NH 03222
E-mail: jennr@nanainc.org

CHSN Affiliate Organizations
Belknap County
Bridge House
Community Bridges
Crotched Mountain Foundation
Easter Seals/Farnum North
Grafton County
Granite State Independent Living
Merrimack County
National Alliance on Mental Illness ‐ NH
Navigating Recovery of the Lakes Region
NH Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Association
NH Veterans Home
Plymouth Area Recovery Connection
Riverbend Community Mental Health

CHSN Staff:

Audrey Goudie, CHSN Executive Director
67 Water St., Suite 105, Laconia, NH 03246
Office Phone: 603-707-5856

Quinn Tule, CHSN Data Analyst