We’re Better Together

Helping people live and age well with independence.

Life can be hard. Human Services is here to assist you in those bumps along life’s journey.

Questions of…

“Well now what?”

“How am I going to get to my appointments?” “What services are available to me?”

“How do I apply for Medicare / Medicaid” “Where can I go for help?”

and so many more can bring about a lot of overwhelm.

Allow Human Services programs to provide you some relief. Human Services is your first step on your journey to living / aging well with independence, confidence, and support!

Whether you’re a veteran, living with a disability, aging, or simply a person of any age or stage in need of guidance or connection to support, Human Services is here for you. We don’t turn anyone away!

Our passionate, knowledgeable team looks forward to supporting you with our person centered approach where we will…

Get to know you
Prioritize your needs
And, connect you to the resources, programs, services, connections, or guidance you need to live well independently with confidence and stability.

Our passionate, expert team of resource connectors inspires relief and confidence, so you can live and age well with independence, while feeling supported by your community.

Goal Updates

Older Adults Data Report FY2025


The Partnership oversees two Human Services locations, with one office each in Belknap and Carroll County. Trained Person-Centered Options Counselors are available to provide up-to-date and unbiased information about state and local resources, supports, and services including but not limited to:

  • Caregiver and family support
  • Community involvement opportunities
  • Counseling on alternatives to nursing homes
  • Disability services
  • Healthcare benefits
  • Affording prescriptions
  • Connecting to legal advice
  • Housing options
  • Information, referral, and assistance
  • Medicare and Medicaid counseling
  • Options counseling that can help you with choices as you age
  • Transportation
  • Resources for Veterans, military members, and their families

There is never a fee or any eligibility requirement to receive our services.  Our trusted and experienced team of professional staff are available to meet you at your convenience and at a location preferable to your needs.

Staff are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. or by appointment.
To reach your local Human Services, contact us toll-free: 1-866-634-9412 or locally at the numbers listed below:

Belknap County
67 Water St. Suite 105
Laconia, NH 03246
Local Phone: 603-528-6945
Fax: 603-527-3790
Email: belknapservicelink@pphnh.org
Carroll County
448 White Mountain Hwy
Tamworth, NH 03886
Local Phone: 603-323-2043
Fax: 603-323-7508
Email: carrollservicelink@pphnh.org

Statewide Human Services Network


Additional Informational Pages


Human Services Aging and Disability Resource Center (Human Services) was established in 2000 by the New Hampshire legislature in response to public comment about the difficulty many people were experiencing in accessing information about long-term supports and services for aging adults and individuals with disabilities.

Human Services is designated as New Hampshire’s Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) and provides unbiased, up-to-date information and assistance to help individuals and families make informed choices about health care and other services for older adults, people with disabilities, family caregivers, Veterans, service members, and their families. As New Hampshire’s full access partner under NHCarePath, Human Services assists people throughout their lifespan to understand their options on a variety of topics.

Human Services Resource Center of Belknap and Carroll Counties is made possible through the support of the Partnership for Public Health, New Hampshire Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services and by a grant from the Administration on Aging and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services.

Office Closed 2/13

Office closed

Our office will be closed Thursday 2/13, due to inclement weather.

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