We’re Better Together


Communities understand that substance use disorders and suicide are public health concerns requiring a community based approach of consistent and widespread prevention, early identification and connection to treatment and recovery support services to promote a culture of health and wellness.

Partners in Community Wellness Goals:

The role of PiCWell is to conduct three core prevention functions: (1) Alignment of regional prevention efforts with the goals of the state plan for addressing substance misuse; (2) Building, maintaining, and sustaining a regional network of professionals and community members who are concerned about preventing substance misuse and suicide in the region; and (3) Leveraging resources and providing technical assistance to promote best practices within six core sectors (Safety and Law Enforcement, Health & Medical, Education, Government, Business, and Community and Family Supports) in the community.

Partners in Community Wellness Suicide Goals and Objectives:

Goal 1-Reduce suicide incidence in the Winnipesaukee Public Health Region.

  • Objective 1 – Reduce the percentage of high school age youth who report having attempted suicide in the past year based on the regional percentage in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (baseline of 7.8%, 2019 YRBS – Winnipesauke Region.)
  • Objective 2 – Provide ongoing trainings in Suicide Prevention, Postvention, and/or Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) within key community sectors and settings.
  • Objective 3 – Educate local media professionals in appropriate reporting of suicidal events following the nationally established guidance from the Suicide Prevention Resource Center for Safe and Effective Messaging and Reporting.
  • Objective 4 – Promote utilization of postvention training and protocols (i.e. After a Suicide Toolkit, Reporting Recommendations Toolkit) for first responders, law enforcement, emergency departments, schools and others who may be involved or affected by a suicide to reduce risk of contagion and promote healing.
  • Objective 5 – Identify key data sources, relevant resources, and essential tools that may better identify high-risk populations and/or other trends that may inform suicide prevention efforts, education, and outreach.

For more in-depth information please see Priority Areas 3 and 4 in the Community Health Improvement Plan
Click here to view Community Health Improvement Plan-Full Plan

To learn more about the Partners in Community Wellness Team

Contact: Joseph Vano at jvano@pphnh.org

Office Closed 2/13

Office closed

Our office will be closed Thursday 2/13, due to inclement weather.

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