LR CERT Partners with Winnisquam School District on Emergency Preparedness Message
The Winnisquam Regional School District (WRSD) endeavors to promote health, wellness and emergency preparedness through it’s annual WRSD Community Outreach Night at the Highland Mountain Bike Park. Lakes Region CERT was delighted to be a part of this years event. As such, and with the help of NH Homeland Security & Emergency Management’s (NHHSEM) READY the Preparedness Dog, we were able to engage with the events hundreds of participants and talk about the importance of self resilience and preparedness during emergencies. These are important conversation to have as only 32% of the Public Health Region’s residents reported to feel adequately prepared to be self resilient for a period of 72 hours. Self resiliency is defined as having enough food, water, medicine, heat/cooling devices in order to take care of yourself and family for 3 days. Additionally this event gave us the opportunity to inform participants about opportunities to engage in free training programs that teach emergency preparedness. It was also beneficial and fun to work with participants as they learned about proper fire extinguisher selection and use. we were able to simulate a fire scenario using the fire extinguisher prop generously donated by NH Volunteers. Those who participated noted, “this was awesome, I feel more confident about using a fire extinguisher if I ever need to. It was a great night. We thank the WRSD for inviting us, NH HSEM, and NH Volunteers for use of READY the Preparedness Dog and the fire extinguisher training prop.
If you are interested in attending a CERT Basic Emergency Preparedness Program please complete the on line form located on this page, or call John Beland, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator at 603-707-5855, or e-mail jbeland@pphnh.org.
Visit our web site and Facebook page for training opportunities.